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More Than Before

People are in such a rush.

We’re always in a rush.

Rushing to get back to the time before

The time before the world ended as we knew it

Back to normal

Back to reality

When really we found ourselves on the edge of something new

Something noteworthy

Something more than before

More than the routines we had strung together

More than the blur of running from this to that

More than the same thoughtless interactions we got away with on a daily basis

This new life we’ve been called to is one of great intention

Asking us to barter

Who we spend our time with

How we spend our time

And reveals how our time is sacred

Perhaps gifting us with more time than we know what to do with

More time than before

Looking back now

We must ask if we spent our time well?

Not if we were productive

Not if we were accomplished

But who did we become?

And was it time well spent?

Looking forward

We must ask when the right time will be

To increase our circle

To increase our step

To increase our capacity for more

Because when it all played out

We found that

Less is more

Less crowds is more space

Less work is more gain

Less cars is more air

Less distractions is more purpose

Less less less

More more more

More than before

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