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A Call to Remember | YOU ARE ENOUGH

“With two feet firmly planted on the ground, she walked into her future.”

Feelings of insecurity have been creeping in this week. Specifically last night and then tonight. WHY do our brains focus SO MUCH on the negative? Some say it has to do with our ancestral instincts of survival - some sort of protection mechanism. At least, I think that’s what I’ve read. But it doesn’t feel like protection - not in today’s world. So can our brain’s PLEASE evolve and catch up to that?

In today’s world, focusing on the negative can wear a person down. Down to nothing. And it tears other people down too. There’s comparison and envy. There’s gossip and judgment - feelings of inadequacy.

I’m ready to turn this on it’s head. Keep having to remind myself that I AM ENOUGH.

That message comes from within.

Built from resiliency of years and years of walking in the valleys and living in the shadows.

I also hear the voices of friends, family, and encouragers on the sidelines

who shout out and say,


It’s easy to forget.

So I want you to remember.

Let’s remember together.

Remember that you are strong and you are brave.

That your interests or non-interests matter

and people don’t have to understand you... or even like you.

Let them be. Carry on.

Open up to the you inside who keeps trying to break free.

Open up to the ones who lend their light and spark a flame to your own.

Open up to ruah. Open up to joy. Open up to life.

Put it out there in the world; whatever it is.

Now is your time to shine.

Not tomorrow.

Not in 10 years.


What will be, will be.

So let it be.

You have what it takes. You are qualified.

And if you’re not, and you want to be - get qualified.

Do what you need to do, to do what you want to do.

Life is short.

And you want to live your life, don’t you?

So come alive.


Awaken to the true-ness within.

Fight for it with all you’ve got.

Others are fighting with you.

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